
Operational training
Key Facts
  • Completely software-based training with defined signal environments
  • Same look and feel as productive system, thanks to R&S®RAMON system software
  • Scalable number of user workstations (1 to n)
  • Authentically simulated signal environment with realistic contents
  • Completely user-creatable, reproducible signal scenarios with selectable scenario complexity
  • Versatile and easily expandable signal archive

Brief Description The new R&S®SRTS software-based R&S®RAMON training system allows operators of R&S®RAMON COMINT/CESM systems to train their staff in all operational sequences and system operation without having to resort to the productive system in a real-world signal environment.
Features & Benefits
  • Operational training without monitoring system
    • Defined and reproducible signal scenarios
    • Deceptively realistic simulation of the monitoring system
  • Straightforward, flexible operational training
    • Training in operational sequences as in the productive system
    • Easy and fast creation of signal scenarios in any desired complexity